RadFem Blogz
Natural Ways to Clean Garden Fences: Eco-Friendly Tips for a Pristine
Outdoor Space
Gardens are a sanctuary of peace and beauty, but maintaining them requires
effort. One often overlooked aspect is the garden fence. Over time, fences
4 days ago
Edition 107: The Normalization of Disaster with Ava Park, Goldie Hoffman &
Sekhmet SheOwl
Edition 107 features Thistle interviewing Ava Park and Goldie Hoffman with
commentary from Sekhmet SheOwl about the LA fires, ecofeminism and women's
3 weeks ago
The Paternity of Prostitution
published by AMSA (Alternative Mobile Services Association) on February 4,
2025 I moved to Portland in 2001 as a New York liberal. Witnessing
prostitution ...
1 month ago
Abused women and children cannot be used as pawns in power politics
Men’s violence against and abuse of women, girls and children is not a
party-political issue but of course responses must be led by whichever
party holds p...
2 months ago
MTR 2024 Highlights
15k students reached, 34 Collective Shout victories, landmark sexual
harassment report released, Global Impact award: my whirlwind year! As 2024
draws to a...
3 months ago
I’m coming back.
New posts are currently making their way through my mind, but I’ll need a
minute to futz around with the site. All the old posts are private until I
can si...
8 months ago
Kajsa Ekis Ekman is a Marxist feminist speaking out against gender identity
in Sweden
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Kajsa Ekis Ekman, author of "The
Meaning of Sex: Thoughts about the New Definition of Woman"
The post Kajsa Ek...
1 year ago
Football’s Woman Problem
I haven’t witnessed this much good old-fashioned sexism since the
NoMorePage3 campaign brought all the unreconstructed thugs out of the
woodwork to call us...
1 year ago
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then
start writing!
3 years ago
Missing Person Kristin Snyder: Lost in a Sea of Myths Pt 4
Next up in our series on the The Lost Women of NXIVM mockumentary is Joseph
O’Hara of Albany, NY. O'Hara was an attorney who worked for NXIVM from October...
4 years ago
Tell HUD: protect women’s single-sex shelters!
U.S. residents have until this coming Tuesday, September 22, to tell the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that it should allow
4 years ago
More than 20 questions
So you’re part of an online movement! Congratudolences. Here are some
questions that the interested reader can use for private rumination. You’re
welcome, ...
4 years ago
Message to the City — and the Chemo diary continues
Well, today is day, um, 7 of round four of chemo. And I’m nearly a week
into my medical leave from work. So far today i took the dog for a walk,
went to a ...
5 years ago
Bad Things and Very Bad Things: Feminists Working with the Religious Right
For the past few years, I have not believed that feminists associating with
right wing organizations or individuals was a Bad Thing. It wasn’t
something I ...
5 years ago
Voice Unheard
This post is tribute to all the exited women who write and speak out. It
may appear we are shouting to the wind, but it is bringing about real and
5 years ago
On Lesbian Identity: More Than Merely A Sexual Orientation, But it Starts
Being a Lesbian IS a legitimate identity. We created a whole worldwide
culture around it. Its an entire Worldview that puts womyn first,foremost,
forever. ...
5 years ago
Fuck, I’ve just realized why we need to know who the father is
5 years ago
Dear Sweet Liberals, Your Pronoun Fetish is Wack
Your email signature pronouns are wack. I have never seen anyone include in
their email signature pronouns that don’t match their name. Matt’s pronouns
5 years ago
Don’t trust your feelings. They are patriarchy’s strongest weapon.
Feelings come from the most basic part of our brain, the limbic system.
This brain area contains many structures that not only faithfully maintain
the inte...
5 years ago
When White Women Close Ranks
A brief foreword: It’s been a while since I’ve updated this series of
essays on racism in the feminist movement. The racism has kept on
happening, as predi...
5 years ago
My Butch Career, a memoir by Esther Newton
I was absolutely delighted to read My Butch Career, a memoir by Esther
Newton. I had never heard of Newton before but I saw a recommendation for
this book ...
5 years ago
Speech: the power of feminist writing
This is the text of a speech I gave at an event organised by Women Talk
Back at the University of Bristol, 28 May 2019. Women Talk Back is the sole
5 years ago
Gay Bars for Grownups?
This is a slightly different topic than what I usually post on. It's not on
a lost place for women per se, but a place that is seemingly no longer
defined ...
5 years ago
Part Two — Lesbians: “Born this Way” or Making a Choice of Pride?
Part Two Lesbians: “Born this Way” or Making a Choice of Pride? Bev Jo Once
upon a time, not that long ago, women and certainly Lesbians knew the
5 years ago
International Women’s Day is a Scam
Mainstream discourse tells us that if only women would change, everything
would be fine. But the first step to liberation is understanding, and
there’s ver...
6 years ago
#SpaceWoC: Women of Colour Against the Sex Trade
Originally posted on Sister Outrider:
A brief foreword: I believe wholeheartedly in feminist documentation. And
so I have decided to write about Space Inte...
6 years ago
Tips Pesan Kaos Family Gathering Berkualitas
Mengadakan gathering bukan cuma untuk mengumpulkan orang, namun panitia
harus menyiapkan tema acara dan desain kaos gathering. Pembuatan kaos
biasanya meli...
6 years ago
Fixing Feminism
Who broke feminism? And how, and really, why? Is it just feminism, or is
the collective fight against oppression equally broken? And isn’t that
still a r...
6 years ago
The Annals of the TERF-Wars
Originally posted on Jane Clare Jones:
So, yesterday this turned up in my feed, which struck me as something of
an, um, mispresentation… and somehow, I end...
6 years ago
Artificial Intelligence Indeed (Ex Machina)
So I first heard of the movie Ex Machina when I read a review (by Chris
DiCarlo) in Humanist Perspectives—and was so disgusted that I wrote a
letter to the...
6 years ago
The Gender Recognition Act consultation proves women are not full human
beings (unless they are men)
After spending many depressing hours considering my response to the recent
consultation into proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA), I
have c...
6 years ago
Gender Whisperers
The PM of Australia had some wise words this past month when he tweeted ‘We
do not need ‘gender whisperers’ in our schools. Let kids be kids.’ ‘Gender
6 years ago
Open Letter to Stonewall
Originally posted on RADLESFEM Survivor:
Open Letter to Stonewall Dear Ruth Hunt Remove the L from LGBT We demand
that Stonewall removes lesbians from the ...
6 years ago
Class Signifiers
Class signifiers are all around us. And people use them too, most often by
the people who benefit the most. I was thinking today how simple, yet
6 years ago
Pride (or Gay For a Day)
This is a joint post with Hypotaxis. Hypotaxis and I recently had dinner at
a Japanese place, the kind where they seat you with a table full of
strangers a...
6 years ago
Trans-Inclusive Feminism Here
All trans people everywhere are 100% welcome and even invited to do
whatever they can to stop female oppression. Advertisements
6 years ago
Lesbian Visibility Day
April 26 is Lesbian Visibility Day. Let’s celebrate lesbians. We’re here,
we’re lesbians, fuck off we don’t suck dick. Yep, that sounds like a
celebration ...
6 years ago
Some basic questions about sex and gender for progressives
1. Do you believe that being born with the kind of body that has the
potential to gestate children – a body with a uterus, ovaries, and a vagina
– is of an...
7 years ago
Of Ducks and Drakes: Male Violence Across Species
Mothers Day, several years ago, I went with a friend to feed the ducks (and
possibly nutria) at a local park. It was supposed to be a pleasant
excursion to...
7 years ago
I should not have to bring up your sister/mother/aunt/wife in order for you
to give a fuck….
The title of this post summarizes my thoughts whenever I have a discussion
with men who seem to proudly display their ignorance about the constant
attacks ...
7 years ago
‘Punch a TERF’ Rhetoric Encourages Violence Against Women
Originally posted on Sister Outrider:
A brief foreword. This is the sixth of my essays on sex, gender, and
sexuality. (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 available he...
7 years ago
It’s all about sex
“I just wanted to get fucked like a woman…
7 years ago
What I Needed: An Open Letter to Therapists from a Detransitioner
Originally posted at Youth Trans Critical Professionals The main thing I
wish were different about the therapy I received before and during my
transition i...
8 years ago
Semen: Men’s Chemical War Against Women. Appendix: Compounds in Human Semen
Which Alter Female Psychology, Behavior, and Physiology.
No-Skip Intro here. Part I here. Part II here. Part III here. Part IV here.
Part V here. Table Source: R.L. Burch and G.G.Gallup, “The Psychobiology
of S...
8 years ago
It’s ignorant and arrogant to equate the crusade to invade private spaces
with the Civil Rights Movement
Guest post by Keely Emerine-Mix Under no circumstances, ever, at any time,
is it appropriate to compare the legitimate, factual, courageous, moral
9 years ago
Owen Jones. Again.
In February 2015, The Guardian published a commentary by Owen Jones on gay
rights charity Stonewall’s decision to campaign for trans equality. In his
9 years ago
Women riders risk their lives to reach stranded horses and lead them home.
Note, that the men have already tried a mechanised approach, attempting to
remove the 200 horses by boat and failing! Eighteen of the horses have
already l...
9 years ago
Gaslighting Culture
Lately I am really coming to terms with the fact that patriarchy is a
gaslighting culture, and for the most part, messages do not need to be true
in order ...
9 years ago
Germaine Greer (UK)
Originally posted on kittybarber:
Video post by @JenderFatigue. Source: Germaine Greer (UK)
9 years ago
The Emma Humphreys Memorial Prize
I was hugely honoured yesterday to be one of two women awarded the Emma
Humphreys individual prize, which this year was focused on “women who have
9 years ago
Michfest Was
Michfest was many things to many people. This is a goodbye. It was a haven.
It was a cocoon. It was a place of healing. It was a place of affirmation.
It w...
9 years ago
Not Respecting Women’s Boundaries is Rape Culture
Originally posted on loving lily:
Recently I was talking to a radical feminist. She was organizing a march or
some sort of public event and asked me if I co...
9 years ago
Dear White Male Activists. Collect Your Pigs. Jesus.
white male activists of every stripe, but especially the enviros and
liberal progressives like DGR males (no matter what you call yourselves,
and no, you a...
9 years ago
Trans* Women in My PTSD Group and Performing Femininity
Originally posted on loving lily:
Recently I was trying to get help for my PTSD. After a long wait, I was
finally admitted to a publicly funded PTSD therapy...
9 years ago
CouponsTweet is the new discount site..
It’s startup time and i am going to review a discount site called
couponsmonk (The site is now called couponstweet.com). couponstweet is one
shop stop for ...
9 years ago
Problem and Solution? Transwomen’s Access to Private Women-Only Spaces
The political demand for transwomen’s access to private women-only spaces
is predicated on a certain problem-and-solution logic. It can be
summarized like ...
9 years ago
“individualism” and relational deprivation
I’ve been thinking quite a lot about relational deprivation between women
in Western countries recently, and even more so since I’ve been spending
some tim...
10 years ago
Separating Lesbian Theory from Feminist Theory, by Cheshire Calhoun
Separating Lesbian Theory from Feminist Theory written by Cheshire Calhoun
Ethics Vol. 104, No. 3 (Apr., 1994), pp. 558-581 Published by: The
University of...
10 years ago
Let’s go back to the beginning, shall we? Let’s imagine a world which never
forces someone’s subjective reality on to the rest of us or else we’re
10 years ago
On Not Shutting the Fuck Up
There are people out there who would love me to shut the fuck up, to roll
over and die, metaphorically or literally. The men who used me. The people
who le...
10 years ago
WordPress.com / Automattic censors Lesbian and Feminist Blogs
If you are a blogger with multiple million readership, do take notice that
Automattic who hosts WordPress.Com will censor you and freeze your blog,
10 years ago
Wild Women and The Untamed Heart
It’s been a long time since I posted here. I’ve posted a bit on Tumblr, but
have been struggling with what to say on WordPress, so here it is. This
blog ne...
10 years ago
Acceptable Losses
It is a fact, not a conjecture, that women are harmed in the making of
porn, not just in the making of illegal porn, not just in the making of
foreign por...
11 years ago
It’s our feminism, our language, our liberation
Descriptions and defenses (or dismissals) of feminism have filled thousands
of books and comprise billions of words in journals, manifestos, novels,
11 years ago
Why so serious, trans men?
I mentioned in my last post that a lot of radical feminist blogs have gone
silent. Well it would have been more accurate to say that many radical
feminist ...
11 years ago
Interview with a blogger from Radfem-ological Images
Originally posted on radical wind:
I had the chance to interview one of the bloggers from Radfem-ological
Images shortly after the project ended. Radfem-ol...
11 years ago
Radfem Hub is now an archives
After almost two years of herstorical collective blogging, Radfem Hub is
now reopened as an archives. “The Hub” was a collective radical feminist
blog and ...
11 years ago
Lawrence University invokes shocking last minute BAN on Earth Day Keynote
Speaker Lierre Keith due to her Feminist views on Gender
Originally posted on GenderTrender:
In a shocking last minute decision Lawrence University representatives
no-platformed Deep Green Resistance founding memb...
11 years ago
Flappers, Suffragettes and Civility on Streetcars
A quarter of a century ago, before Los Angeles became such a busy mart of
trade, there was more sociability, more friendliness, more pleasant words
and smi...
11 years ago
Originally posted on Liberation Collective:
Among the lies women have to tell in order to save themselves from harm,
saying “I have a headache” as a way to ...
12 years ago
‘Transilience’ – Joelle Ruby Ryan University of New Hampshire Harassment
Campaign Against Women : Call For Action
I am writing this today out of a deep concern for the rights of women,
feminists and lesbians to speak publicly about issues that effect us.
Specifically, ...
12 years ago
‘Transilience’ – Joelle Ruby Ryan University of New Hampshire Harassment
Campaign Against Women : Call For Action
I am writing this today out of a deep concern for the rights of women,
feminists and lesbians to speak publicly about issues that effect us.
Specifically, ...
12 years ago
Originally posted on Liberation Collective:
Last week, when the U.S. Secretary of Defense lifted the nominal ban on
women serving in military combat roles, ...
12 years ago
Pussy Riot: whose freedom, whose riot?
Recently there has been lots of noise around the arrest of three members of
Pussy Riot, a Russian anarchist female punk band. The media almost
12 years ago
Ongoing submission acceptance for Don't Dis My Ability #2
I am putting together a print-zine about living with disabilities. It is
called Don't DIS My Ability and will be the second issue. The only
12 years ago
Excellent Post on Quantum Consent by Eve Bit First
“The concept of ‘rape’ is almost always discussed and analyzed in terms of
the victim (not from the perspective of the victim, but in terms of the
12 years ago
Nasty and Nice: The F-Word covers the Transsexual ‘debate’
Recently the F-Word, with much trepidation, interviewed Sheila Jeffreys and
Lee Lakeman, for their feminist analysis and insight into the issue of
12 years ago
Tobit 3-5
*The Facts (Chapter number: Verse)*
3:7-17 - [The beginning of the book mirrors a similar prayer given by
Tobit, who wishes for his life to end because his...
13 years ago
Porn and intercourse
I wanted to share a quote. Porn users have long stated that porn and sex
are divorced, that porn has no impact on them, their sex lives, or their
view of w...
13 years ago
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress.com. After you read this, you should delete and write
your own post, with a new title above. Or hit Add New on the left (of the
admin ...
13 years ago
Second Episode of Feminism Now! is up!
Fans of Dialectical Spin will want to listen to the second episode of
Feminism Now! In this show we speak with Jasmine Burnett of SisterSongNY
and Trust Bl...
13 years ago
Goodbye Bunny!
The Game is over. I no longer care about posting, and haven’t for a while,
so if you wanted to comment, that might be why it didn’t get approved. So
yeah. ...
13 years ago
Thanks to television, several generations of Americans have grown up with
violence coming straight into their homes in vivid color — but whereas
people my ...
13 years ago
Well……. Hello :-)
Goodness, hasn’t WordPress changed since I was last here?! I’m revisting
today via a circuitous route, prompted initially by mention of my
‘Witchy-Woo hat’...
13 years ago
One Radfem’s Experience with Gynecology
This is just an experience babble, because I feel like I have to get it
out. Not much political in here, so if you dun like personal stuff feel
free to sk...
13 years ago
Transgender non-logic #4739
Which is quite a peculiar stance for a supposedly mentally stable
individual, but there's more; and if you as a transperson take away nothing
else after re...
14 years ago
The Falsifiability Talk
We need to talk about falsifiability. This isn’t an easy conversation, so
let’s talk first about why we need to talk about it. There are many
different com...
15 years ago
Butch Nature & Medical Mythology
*MEDICAL MYTHOLOGY – or, “Pay no attention to that doctor behind the
*How are butch lesbians supposed to become who we truly are, by
15 years ago
Hi, Sisters.
I’m sorry but I’m seriously gonna need a bit more of a longer break away
from the Internet. I’ve got quite a few things to sort out in my life right
now. B...
15 years ago